Saturday, February 26, 2011

Open Source Education

Open source education offers students the option of taking their classes online versus the classroom.  After viewing the video I do see the benefits of open source education.  One student mentioned that he competes in different states so that works for him.  A parent commented that her daughter is working at an orphanage in China and she is able to still do her classes with open source. I think that it's wonderful that students are able to have these experiences while finishing high school.
When I first read about it I felt as if it wouldn't be as interactive.  After listening to the teachers who are using this method I no longer have that concern. The teachers stated they feel that it is more interactive, they are able to adjust the information based on the students’ level and they have the option of more one on one interaction with students who need additional help.  This for most teachers can be almost impossible in a traditional classroom.
The one thing that I wasn't convinced about was the socialization.  Although I do like the idea and would consider open source for my own children I don't really see how students will improve their social skills.  Now, speaking as a mother I worry about the influences and peer pressure that my children may encounter.  So, for me open source sounds like something I would be interested in.  But the truth is I also know my children have to experience life and they do need to have interactions with their peers in order to learn and grow. 

1 comment:

  1. I understand your concern regarding the socialization of your children. Open source education is different. In addition, our whole social network is predicated on children being in school while we work. Where will the children be located during the time they are in school now? Who will be watching them in this new high tech world we are moving toward?
